Tuesday, January 11, 2011

No resolutions.

This year I decided NOT to include any weight loss or exercise goals in my resolutions.  Before getting pregnant, exercising 3-5 times a week had become part of my routine.  Even from 13 weeks to about 33 weeks it was still a part of my routine (until the pain from sciatica and Braxton Hicks got so bad I couldn't walk a full lap around the indoor track from the pain).  So, I refuse to make it a resolution to work out a certain amount of times or to lose a certain amount of weight.  The first Sunday of the new year had both me and hubs itching to exercise.  We both just really wanted to do something active and workout.  So last week I exercised 4 days.  A couple of days I made it to the gym and did walking and running intervals. Once I did the same around my neighborhood and another day I did a Zumba workout on the Wii.  This week, I've worked out 2 times already.  I feel amazing.  My mood is lighter, I have had more patience with a very grumpy 3 year old, and my body is already starting to change.  I'm so glad that baby girl has gotten to a place with her nursing that I can fit in a workout much more easily.  I still don't feel comfortable taking her to the gym sitter service.  I think I will probably wait until she is 6 months old to start trying to get back into my morning routine of working out.  It's killing me, because it is my favorite time to workout, but if she got really sick I'd never forgive myself.  I might start trying to get up at 5:30am or so and go to the gym before hubs goes to work, or maybe alternate days with him so he can go as well.

As far as my weight, it's still around 172 (best I can tell).  I haven't weighed myself without clothes in a couple of weeks.  Hubs says I'm gaining muscle but I'm sure the Hickory Farms cheese balls I ate last week had something to do with it.  Oh well.  I've found myself craving healthier foods to snack on the last week, so I will be making a big effort to stock up on healthy options. 

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