Wednesday, February 2, 2011 of.

My scale has been wanting a new battery for some time now.  It actually has two different ones, and I tried in vain replacing the cheaper of the two and it didn't help.  So after hearing me scream at the scale two mornings in a row, hubs decided to go and get the replacement battery for me.  Imagine my surprise when the following morning I step on and it flashes 168 !!!!  I didn't believe it, thinking something was obviously wrong with the new battery, the next day it reads 168.  That means that I am THREE pounds away from what I weighed at my first OB appointment last January and 13 pounds away from my lowest weight since probably 1998 (155).

I haven't been doing much differently.  The first two weeks in January I made it to the gym or worked out at home most days of the week.  Then I started to feel really run down and got about 1 day a week for the following two weeks.  Then I did a 5K in FREEZING weather, but it felt amazing and I did run probably half of it.  It was really muddy in sections and hilly so I decided to take walk breaks then.  After the race I was very pumped up and made myself a tailored training program for a 5K that I plan to do in April and did the first day of it.  Then, yeah I was feeling worse than before, blah, blah.  I have been eating a bit better or trying to.  So maybe it's starting to pay off.  My first goal was to reach my weight of my first OB appointment, since I had gained weight between starting to "try" and that first appointment.  Approximately 10 lbs, maybe a bit less.  Being only 3 lbs from that weight feels great, and hello my jeans are starting to fit better.  Whodathunkit?  Once I hit 165, my next goal is to hit that 155 mark again, hopefully by my 10 year anniversary in May.  Then maybe I can buy myself a snazzy outfit for dinner.  I mean, who wouldn't want to weigh less on their 10th anniversary then they did on their wedding day?  THAT would feel amazing.