Thursday, September 30, 2010

My 5 week old has more upper body strength

I'm a day late, well two days if you count Tuesday (the day that I did not exercise).  After waking up the next day and barely being able to move my arms I decided it might be a good idea to give myself a day of "rest" in between doing the Shred workouts.  I plan to use this day to do cardio if I can (good old fashioned walking will do). 

So yesterday I did the Shred for the second time.  I had a harder time doing it than the day before!  I did find my 3 lb weights (insert laughter here) so I used those instead of the 5 lb weights I had to use the first day.  I cannot do push-ups.  I don't even mean REAL push-ups I mean girly ones.  I can get halfway down but I cannot go all the way to the floor and back up.  I just cannot do it. It's embarrassing.  So yesterday I did the Shred, and then went outside to walk with my son and daughter for 15-20 minutes.  Today I hope to get some walking in when my husband gets home from work and can watch the kids for me.  So this morning I weighed myself, totally against my rule for weighing yourself (one day a week, same day).  And I have lost a little over a pound!  I've been trying to avoid sweets, or at least keep them to a minimum and eat healthier, so hopefully the combination is going to kick my weight loss into gear.

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