Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Excuses, excuses

I have so many excuses for not exercising for a few days, and those excuses led me to eat more ice cream than I probably should have.  I only did the Shred for 2 days last week.  I had planned to get up and go for a walk/run Saturday morning before we got started with our day.  However, Friday night our dog came in and her ear was ripped in two and she was covered in dried blood.  My Saturday morning was then occupied with both kids while the hubs took our dog to the vet to get her ear cleaned and stitched up.  Hubs said, "When we get back from Disney on Ice you can go for a walk after dinner, I'll watch the kids".  So what happens at Disney on Ice?  During the last 20 minutes hubs is holding a very tired almost-3-year-old when he stretches and scratches hubs in the eye.  Saturday night was spent with me doing everything (much like Sunday) while hubs laid on the couch with his eyes closed, moaning in agony. 

Monday I got back to it.  As soon as hubs got home, I changed and took off in the neighborhood with my Ipod.  I walked (with a few running intervals) for 30 minutes through my hilly neighborhood.  I think my heart rate monitor tried to call 911 a few times, but I arrived at home safely.  I thought I might pass out (who knew I was this out of shape?) but after a shower I felt great.  The next morning, I felt even better.  I could feel the soreness in my legs, man I missed that feeling.  So the next night, I did it again.  Went out the door as soon as he got home for my 30 minutes of exercise.

I've picked out a 5K to run in January.  I'm not an athletic person and it took me a few months once I started running to be able to run 3 miles.  I know it's sad, but I know my body and it takes a s-l-o-w progression.  It was a great feeling of accomplishment when I finished my first race and it kept me sticking to my exercise and running.  After 2 days of getting in my cardio and doing a little running...I can feel the addiction coming back.  Immediately when I woke up I felt that gnawing feeling "got to go run, got to go run".  I look forward to the day when 8am finds me at the gym handing over the kids for an hour so I can really focus on exercise, but for now I'll talk my 30 minutes at the end of the day. As for the weight loss, I'm really trying not to weigh myself until Friday morning, first thing, with no clothes.  But it's hard not to!

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