Thursday, October 14, 2010

Eating lots of cookies can help you lose weight.

My motivation to work in workouts has decreased.  I feel frumpy and instead of turning that into an unyielding drive to lose weight I've turned it into a drive to eat lots of cookies.  On the plus side, I did buy some Oreos (to use with the cookie candy mold I bought at JoAnn's, chocolate covered Oreos..oh my!) and have not eaten any of them.  But I also haven't busted out that candy mold either.

I did go for a walk on Saturday, cut it a little shorter than normal because we had some family things planned for the day.  After that I didn't work out again until yesterday.  The kids were both fussy and difficult and by the end of the day when my husband came home I wanted a shower (yes I went all day without a shower) and to relax while not holding a small child.  So by Tuesday I was feeling depressed and fat.  I decided to counteract that by eating a bunch of cookies that I had made.  Imagine my surprise yesterday when I woke up, stripped down and jumped on the scale to see that I was a pound lighter than I was last week!!  I was so excited that the scale was moving in the direction I wanted that I talked my almost 3 year old (tomorrow is his birthday, I can't believe he'll be 3!!!) into actually and we went for a walk with my 7 week old in a front carrier.  It took me 15 minutes longer (our neighborhood has some hills) and I was drenched in sweat so badly I had to put baby girl in her crib so I could shower before nursing her when we got home.  This  morning I was awake before the kids so I did the Shred video again.  I probably won't get to exercise again until Saturday because of all the birthday festivities tomorrow but at least that's 3 times this week and next week I'll make my goal be at least 4 times.  Now if I can actually get some ab workouts in a few times a week I might be getting out of my fat jeans and into my next.size.down.jeans.

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