Thursday, October 21, 2010

One workout week

This week has been a bust.  I have been battling a cold virus since Sunday so yesterday was the only day I did anything.  I did make it to the gym and I did walking/running intervals for 30 minutes around the indoor track.  I felt GREAT afterward.  Today it just didn't work out for me to get there after the hubs got home from work, especially since it was after 5 when he got in the door.  But I am down almost 2 lbs since last week, although other than being too nauseated to eat from being sick and nursing a baby around the clock (growth spurt?) I'm guessing any weight loss is mostly from that.

I did come up with a new "plan" for working out.  Keep in mind this is best case scenario.  I want to go to the gym 5 days a week.  The hubs will call me when he is a certain distance from the house so I can pump milk for the baby and change into my workout gear. Then I'll head to the gym and do a 30 minute workout (I plan and want to do a longer workout but until I can go during the day I'll stick with 30 minutes).  I'm going to do walking/running intervals until I can run the entire 30 minutes 3 days a week, the other 2 I will do the elliptical or some other cardio.  I'm also going to start doing my old ab routine at home 3 days per week and strength training 2 days per week.  I have picked out a 5K for January 22nd, so I really, really want to be able to run the entire thing.  I know some people would laugh at this but I've never been able to do anything physical and since I'm starting from square 1 with running, giving myself until January is pretty ambitious.  I KNOW if I can mostly stick to this routine the weight will come off.  I know that my body will begin to feel strong again, my energy will come back, I will be more patient and my stress will lessen.  Once the baby is big enough that I feel comfortable putting her in the sitter service, I'll keep the same workout schedule but instead will get back to my 8am workouts so that I'm not disrupting our afternoon routine with my workouts.

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